In 1975 PET $ROCK Was Born

Congratulations! You are about to be the owner of a genuine, pedigreed PET $ROCK.

Your PET $ROCK and you

Your PET $ROCK will be a loyal friend and companion for many years to come

Know your PET $ROCK

There is nothing common about a pedigreed PET $ROCK. They come from a long line of famous rocks.

There are hundreds of rock breeds

Of the hundreds of breeds known to man, only a few possess the qualities to be a PET $ROCK.

PET $ROCK Features

Your PET $ROCK will be a loyal friend for many years to come

As a wealthy Rockefeller, you don't tolerate a surly, misbehaving rock. Therefore, it is crucial that you begin training immediately. Your PET $ROCK should learn who is the boss.

Perfect for people
who are not allowed to keep animals

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Join Our Comunity

As a Rockefeller, you may sometimes feel lonely. That's why you chose to buy a PET $ROCK. Don't worry, we are building a community of people like you—those who find it difficult to connect or spend time with anything alive. Join your fellow Rockefellers, and you'll be as tough as a rock in no time.

Your guide to become a true Rockefeller

Many PET $ROCK have great difficulty learning the command "COME." PET $ROCK owners have complained that their rocks are stupid, dimwitted, and slow as a result.

Well, this is ridiculous. To be sure, training a rock to come when it’s called requires extraordinary patience. It is a rare rock indeed that will leap into it’s master’s arms the first time it hears the command. And, while it takes quite a while to train a rock to come when its name is called, the problem lies not in the rock’s inability to learn commands; the problem lies in the fact that a rock has an extremely hard time learning its name.

Be patient, calm and gentle.

How To Buy PET $ROCK

To get $ROCK tokens, place your rock on the floor and take a few steps back. Then, bend at the waist, place your hands on your knees, and face your rock. With firm authority, say, "COME, BRUTUS." (If you have not named your rock Brutus, you may want to use a different name.) Repeat the command, "COME, BRUTUS." Assuming everything is normal, you will likely not receive any tokens by doing this."


Create Wallet

Download phantom or your wallet of choice from the App store or Google Play. Desktop users can download the Phantom extension on Google Chrome.


Load up some Sol

You need Sol in your wallet to switch to $ROCK. Buy them on Phantom, transfer them from another wallet or go to an exchange of choice and transfer them to your wallet.


Swap for $ROCK

Swap your Sol for $ROCK. We do not have any taxes so there's no need to worry about slippage. If you didnt buy any Sol yet, you can do it directly on Phantom.

The PET $ROCK Roadmap

Limit your training sessions to fifteen minutes, twice a day. A single thirty-minute session is not recommended, as a rock’s attention span is quite short. Remember, a bored rock is an unhappy rock.


Simple obedience

It is essential that your PET $ROCK learns this command. A rock that doesn't come when called will cause its owner endless embarrassment.

2025 Q1

Amusing tricks

Few pets are as eager to please their owners as PET $ROCK. It is surprisingly easy to teach your rock cute tricks that will entertain you and your friends for hours.

2025 Q2


A healthy rock is a happy rock—everyone knows that! Therefore, it is extremely important that you learn health care and emergency first aid techniques for your PET $ROCK.

2025 Q3

Reach market value

Our ultimate goal is to reach the market value of PET $ROCK. In 1975, PET $ROCK was sold for $4. $4 in 1975 would be equivalent to a much higher value today, comparable to something as distant as the moon.

$ROCK Tokenomics

The worst-case scenario is a chip off the rock. We've decided to keep $ROCK as it is—one piece, rock solid.

  • 100%


  • 1B
    Total Supply
FAQ Questions

Questions and Answers that $ROCK

As the owner of a PET $ROCK, you have taken on the responsibility of loving and caring for this new addition to your family. If your rock misbehaves, be patient. If it causes you problems, be forgiving. Under no circumstances should you abandon your PET $ROCK. The world is already overcrowded with discarded, unwanted rocks, and millions of them are destroyed each year. These unfortunate rocks meet brutal fates in roadbeds, cement mixers, or as landfill. Don't let your PET $ROCK meet an untimely end at the bottom of an obscure pile of rubble. Remember, if you take care of your PET $ROCK, your PET $ROCK will take care of you. When you're unsure of what to do, turn to this section for answers to even the toughest questions.

What is the goal of this token?

This token is a meme and has one goal, go as high as we can! $ROCK was created as a tribute to the Pet Rock, which was founded by Gary Dahl in 1975.

Can I adopt a rock from the wild?

No! Do not approach such Rocks! These wild rocks will give you nothing but headaches because they are vicious and unpredictable.

Can I train my $ROCK to attack?

If you are threatened at close range, always use the Close Range Attack Method; it is the ultimate form of personal protection. The element of surprise makes this method doubly effective. Here's what to do: take the $ROCK in your preferred hand and throw it toward the threat. The most important thing is not to miss.

how may I take part in and purchase this Token?

Scroll up a bit and take a look at the "How to Buy PET $ROCK" section.